Tuesday, August 28, 2007

hmmmh thats a nice

If your all out of ideas or want to try something new in the kitchen, check out ifoods.tv

Niall started to blog last feb and took allot of us by storm with his easy to follow cooking videos. He has taken this one step further and launched a foodtastic multimedia site second to none, which allows users to upload their own grub movies as well as alot of professionally made stuff of his own.
The ability to comment on every video, allows for users to provide further information, tweaks, methods, variations on the dishes that are servered up.

The chef that started it all hangs around the site all the time and seems to be waiting to interact with you.

Try the Enchiladas they are fantastic.

1 comment:

www.ifoods.tv said...

Hey thanks for the kind comments! Yeah we have a blog section for both ourselves and users being designed at the moment!