Monday, December 17, 2007

Xmas Spirit

This years christmas spirit is....

pain killers

Yup, with me busted kneecap, it has given me a new prospective. Usually this time every year I decided on a spirit to drown in for the xmas, all the reliables have been hit. Some more than twice. But after allot of thought, and pain killers, pills that kill pain are this years spirit if choice.

My fav combo at the moment is 2 nurofen followed 2 hours later with 2 sulphadine repeat for 12 hours, occasionally necking a beer, whiskey, vodka, red bull or tea.

The key to this is mixing it up - think of wonderful cocktails of colours swallow whole and sip some water - semi dissolved capsules at the back of your throat it only a little better than hardened vomit on your shoe.

I'm keeping the ruffees, viagra and brandy combo for the 25th, wish me luck.

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